I am trying to optimize the geometry of a Cs4CuSb2Cl12 Stoichiometric Quantum dot and I have checked the input multiple times, but the opt+freq calculation is not converging. The quantum dot has about 80 atoms and is charge neutral furthermore I don't see any dangling bonds as such.
Here is my input file -
#p opt freq cam-b3lyp/gen nosymm int=(grid=ultrafine,acc2e=12) pseudo=read
geometry opetimization_cs4cusb2cl12_stochiometric
0 1
Cs 3.89312 0.00000 10.49322
Cs 1.85782 3.66335 7.48003
Sb -0.41300 0.00000 9.15427
Cu 4.07868 0.00000 6.03024
Cl 5.00209 1.62404 7.36968
Cl 1.78933 0.00000 7.65648
Cl 0.56747 1.74654 10.53435
Cl -2.53224 0.00000 10.58850
Cs 4.26424 0.00000 1.56726
Cs -2.61973 3.66335 10.49322
Cs 10.77709 3.66335 1.56726
Cs 6.29954 3.66335 4.58045
Cs 8.37067 0.00000 7.48003
Cs -0.21331 0.00000 4.58045
Sb 8.57036 0.00000 2.90621
Sb 6.09985 3.66335 9.15427
Sb 2.05751 3.66335 2.90621
Cu -2.43417 3.66335 6.03024
Cl 3.15527 1.62404 4.69080
Cl 3.15527 5.70266 4.69080
Cl 5.00209 5.70266 7.36968
Cl -1.51076 5.28739 7.36968
Cl 9.66812 5.28739 4.69080
Cl 9.66812 2.03931 4.69080
Cl -1.51076 2.03931 7.36968
Cl 6.36803 0.00000 4.40401
Cl 8.30218 3.66335 7.65648
Cl -0.14482 3.66335 4.40401
Cl 7.58989 1.74654 1.52613
Cl 7.58989 5.58016 1.52613
Cl 0.56747 5.58016 10.53435
Cl 7.08032 5.40989 10.53435
Cl 1.07704 5.40989 1.52613
Cl 1.07704 1.91681 1.52613
Cl 7.08032 1.91681 10.53435
Cl 10.68959 0.00000 1.47198
Cl 3.98061 3.66335 10.58850
Cl 4.17674 3.66335 1.47198
Cs -0.97523 0.00000 22.55371
Cs -3.01053 3.66335 19.54052
Sb -5.28135 0.00000 21.21475
Cu -0.78967 0.00000 18.09072
Cl 0.13374 1.62404 19.43016
Cl -3.07902 0.00000 19.71696
Cl -4.30088 1.74654 22.59483
Cl -7.40058 0.00000 22.64898
Cs -0.60410 0.00000 13.62774
Cs -7.48808 3.66335 22.55371
Cs 5.90875 3.66335 13.62774
Cs 1.43119 3.66335 16.64093
Cs 3.50232 0.00000 19.54052
Cs -5.08166 0.00000 16.64093
Sb 3.70201 0.00000 14.96670
Sb 1.23150 3.66335 21.21475
Sb -2.81084 3.66335 14.96670
Cu -7.30252 3.66335 18.09072
Cl -1.71308 1.62404 16.75129
Cl -1.71308 5.70266 16.75129
Cl 0.13374 5.70266 19.43016
Cl -6.37911 5.28739 19.43016
Cl 4.79977 5.28739 16.75129
Cl 4.79977 2.03931 16.75129
Cl -6.37911 2.03931 19.43016
Cl 1.49968 0.00000 16.46449
Cl 3.43383 3.66335 19.71696
Cl -5.01317 3.66335 16.46449
Cl 2.72155 1.74654 13.58662
Cl 2.72155 5.58016 13.58662
Cl -4.30088 5.58016 22.59483
Cl 2.21197 5.40989 22.59483
Cl -3.79130 5.40989 13.58662
Cl -3.79130 1.91681 13.58662
Cl 2.21197 1.91681 22.59483
Cl 5.82125 0.00000 13.53247
Cl -0.88773 3.66335 22.64898
Cl -0.69160 3.66335 13.53247
Cs Sb Cu 0
Cl 0
Cs Sb Cu 0
If there is anything that could be causing the convergence issues please let me know. And if the input is correct does that mean our quantum dot system is not stable. Because the PhD student who I am working under thinks that our input as well as system is correct but Gaussian's basis set are not compatible with this and all the literature regarding the substance actually uses VASP or some other plane wave based dft code.
I think it is possible that it is possible that there is something wrong with the structure too, so here is a snipit.
The log file gives the conversion error at the end
>>>>>>>>>> Convergence criterion not met.
SCF Done: E(RCAM-B3LYP) = -23237.5859709 A.U. after 129 cycles
Convg = 0.1362D-02 -V/T = 2.0258
KE= 2.265279142009D+04 PE=-1.242564502738D+05 EE= 4.383249239695D+04
Convergence failure -- run terminated.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /scf-data/apps/gaussian/g09/l502.exe at Sun Dec 26 05:00:55 2021.
Job cpu time: 39 days 3 hours 26 minutes 55.5 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 1493 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 442 Scr= 2
Although the same convergence error is not seen in the out.txt file but rather some weird error shows up,
Error: segmentation violation
rax 0000000000000000, rbx ffffffffffffffff, rcx ffffffffffffffff
rdx 0000000000016888, rsp 00007ffc6e52a518, rbp 00007ffc6e52ab00
rsi 000000000000000b, rdi 0000000000016888, r8 00007f90d2e81740
r9 0000000000000000, r10 00007ffc6e529920, r11 0000000000000206
r12 0000000000000000, r13 0000000000000000, r14 00007ffc6e52ab48
r15 00000000000003e6
--- traceback not available
Here is the link to the log file