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26 votes

What is matter modeling?

"Matter modeling" is a term that was coined by Stack Exchangers! That's why the words "matter" and "modeling" next to each other, don't seem to exist in any of the ...
Nike Dattani - No Free Time's user avatar
25 votes

What are the common acronyms in Materials Modelling?

I will start with acronyms for coupled-cluster, and someone else might answer with acronyms for basis sets or for functionals or for many body perturbation theory or for composite approaches or for ...
Nike Dattani - No Free Time's user avatar
21 votes

What is Materials Modeling?

I'm just as curious of a user here as you, but I was able to find that a Materials Modeling Wikipedia page does in fact exist. :) Computational materials science and engineering uses modeling, ...
Eugene Chybisov's user avatar
20 votes

What are the types of DFT?

OF-DFT: Orbital-free density functional theory Hohenberg and Kohn established that the ground state energy, $E$, of interacting electrons in a potential, $v(\mathbf{r})$, is a functional of the ...
wcw's user avatar
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20 votes

What are the types of DFT?

CDFT: Current DFT Current DFT is defined via the generalized Hohenberg-Kohn theorem (HKT), which extends the traditional HKT to account for the effect of magnetic fields. The generalized HKT says that ...
Tyberius's user avatar
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20 votes

What does "force field" mean?

What is a force field? The Wikipedia entry on this is a good resource, but I'll give my own description below. In the context of molecular dynamics (MD), a force field is one way of describing the ...
dwhswenson's user avatar
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19 votes

How to explain Miller indices to someone outside nanomaterials?

You can see it with VESTA software. For example, we can see the different lattice planes of NaCl crystal. [001] plane of NaCl: [101] plane of NaCl: [111] plane of NaCl:
Jack's user avatar
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17 votes

What is Materials Modeling?

Answering your last questions: yes, yes and yes. One thing to consider is which approach do you want/need to use. You can use an atomistic approach where you simulate/model the properties and the ...
Camps's user avatar
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16 votes

High-Performance Computing: What does "Mio CPUh" mean?

"Mio" refers to "Million" and "CPUh" is the abbreviation of CPU hours, also refered to as Core hours. This is a good read if you need to know more about HPC. This is an ...
Anoop A Nair's user avatar
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15 votes

What are "first principles" calculations?

First Principles mean starting directly at the level of established science and not making assumptions such as any empirical models or parameter fitting. With respect to DFT, EMF (Electromagnetic ...
SaiSmaran S B PES1201701189PES's user avatar
14 votes

What are the common acronyms in Materials Modelling?

Density Functionals LDA (LSDA): S: Slater (Dirac) exchange functional for a uniform electron gas. VWN: Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair 1980 correlation functional fitting the random phase approximation ...
Verktaj's user avatar
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13 votes

How to explain Miller indices to someone outside nanomaterials?

Assuming a generic chemistry background I wouldn't assume that knowledge of crystal structure would be too in depth at an undergraduate level. It is definitely encountered, but depending on the type ...
Jason M Gray's user avatar
13 votes

What are the common acronyms in Materials Modelling?

Basis Sets Throughout, I use square brackets to denote additional options that can be included, but are not required. Slater: STO-nG: Slater Type Orbitals represented by a function of n contracted ...
Tyberius's user avatar
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12 votes

What are the types of ab initio Molecular Dynamics?

CPMD: Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics An approximation of BOMD (Born-Oppenheimer MD) where fictitious dynamics is used on the electrons to keep them close to their ground state, so that we do not ...
Nike Dattani - No Free Time's user avatar
12 votes

What does "force field" mean?

The term's origin goes back to vector field which is a function that returns a vector for any given point in space (as in the image below on the left). We can almost "see" that such fields ...
Nike Dattani - No Free Time's user avatar
11 votes

What are the types of ab initio Molecular Dynamics?

2nd Generation CPMD Car-Parrinello MD avoids repeatedly solving the electronic problem by propagating the orbitals as if they were particles governed by Newton's equations. This is much more efficient ...
Tyberius's user avatar
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11 votes

What does capital sigma followed by an integer (Σn) mean in the context of grain boundaries?

The $\Sigma$ values represent the volume of the Coincident Site Lattice (CSL) of the grain boundary in terms of the volume of the unit cell of the crystal. In general, grain boundaries with higher ...
Mythreyi's user avatar
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11 votes

What are the types of DFT?

KS-DFT: Kohn-Sham DFT The KS-DFT is proposed to deal with the problems of orbital-free DFT (OFDFT), which has been explained by @wcw. OFDFT attempts to compute the energy of interacting electrons, as ...
Jack's user avatar
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11 votes

What is matter modeling?

First of all, we assume the matter is constituted by nuclei and electrons, as illustrated by the following figure: Mathematically, the matter is mapped into the following Hamiltonian: $$H=T_e + T_n + ...
Jack's user avatar
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11 votes

Is there any specific name for non-ferrous metals which are not noble metals?

I don't think it's ideal, but there is the term "base metal". There are various definitions for what is considered a base metal, but the main noble (or precious) metals are always excluded. ...
Anyon's user avatar
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11 votes

Different types of transition dipole moment in ORCA output

You have stumbled across a problem that was described in 1983 in the following way (note that the "40 years" refers to 1943-1983): "Over the past 40 years, many authors have tried to ...
Nike Dattani - No Free Time's user avatar
10 votes

What are the types of DFT?

Density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) This method refers to the calculation of the linear response of the system under some external perturbation. Consider some set of parameters $\{\lambda_i\}...
ProfM's user avatar
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10 votes

What are the types of DFT?

Real-time TDDFT (RT-TDDFT) This is the straightforward non-perturbative solution of the TDDFT equations by means of direct propagation in time. Pioneered by Theilhaber and Yabana & Bertsch it has ...
LukasK's user avatar
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10 votes

What are the common acronyms in Materials Modelling?

Quantum Monte Carlo What are the types of Quantum Monte Carlo? Methods SSE QMC: Stochastic Series Expansion QMC SAC: Stochastic Analytic Continuation (an add-on technique for real-time dynamics) VMC: ...
taciteloquence's user avatar
10 votes

How is the material $\ce{\alpha-NaMnO2}$ pronounced?

The anions of the form $\ce{MnO_x^y-}$ are referred to as manganates (see Wikipedia). I'm not sure if there might be a "special" name for $\ce{MnO2^-}$ specifically (that's the species you have here) ...
Michael F. Herbst's user avatar
9 votes

What are the common acronyms in Materials Modelling?

Molecular dynamics methods: MD (molecular dynamics; typically refers to classical molecular dynamics and often atomistic classical molecular dynamics if there is no further qualifications; atomistic ...
WaterMolecule's user avatar
9 votes

How would you report the lattice parameters of an alloy, modelled using a supercell

By making a supercell and modifying it in some way, you are creating an entirely new structure which you hope can give you some insight by being compared to the original structure. Any of the ...
Brandon Bocklund's user avatar
9 votes

What is a chemputer?

The term chemputer also refers to a universal chemical synthesis robot - this is because the robot uses a high level abstraction of chemical synthesis. From this approach we developed a programming ...
Lee Cronin's user avatar
9 votes

What is a chemputer?

I am curious to know if the word has been used in any way other than the above three ways. Mark. J. Winter at University of Sheffield has used the word differently — not as a term meaning something ...
Anyon's user avatar
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9 votes

Difference between "electrical" and "electronic"?

Electric conductivity can be created by particles other than electrons (like ions in solution), or by electrons moving in some more sophisticated way than straightforward (hole conductivity in ...
Audrius Meškauskas's user avatar

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