I am trying to compare the Molecular Orbital coefficients obtained from PySCF and G09 program. Below is the PySCF and Gaussian input and output. I am using 3-21G basis and RHF method for both the packages and the reference system in H3O+.
PySCF input
from pyscf import gto, scf, lib, cc, ao2mo, grad
from pyscf.gto import mole
mol = gto.M(
verbose = 5,
atom = [
['O' , 0.074642 , -0.000000 , -0.026389],
['H' , -0.103145 , 0.000000 , 0.930145],
['H' , 0.991917 , 0.000000 , -0.350692],
['H' , -0.664854 , -0.000000 , -0.658618]],
basis = '3-21g',charge=1,
mf = scf.RHF(mol)
mf.conv_tol = 1e-13
orbshape = mf.mo_coeff.shape
print('Orbital shape =',orbshape)
print("orbshape[1] is ", orbshape[1])
PySCF output
[[ 9.83242599e-01 -2.36723812e-01 -3.60485158e-07 8.26285631e-08
8.54201732e-18 -1.39400918e-01 -3.24924379e-07 4.27735532e-08
7.40926127e-02 -5.10470621e-07 -2.15882620e-06 2.41476409e-18
-5.78614062e-08 4.15554215e-07 7.81241453e-02]
[ 9.72257975e-02 2.28321145e-01 4.37984919e-07 -3.38123813e-08
-2.72406337e-18 7.77816722e-02 1.49262797e-07 -1.03367613e-07
-9.97915817e-02 4.31272063e-07 3.64044620e-06 -1.81972141e-17
9.28534624e-09 -1.68937209e-06 -1.68161970e+00]
[-4.06623548e-02 7.36791646e-01 1.20392671e-06 -4.40830696e-07
-5.31833825e-17 1.19408932e+00 3.50538923e-06 3.57091405e-07
-6.69223322e-02 1.87873763e-06 1.99627276e-06 5.34167834e-17
9.67059530e-07 2.32807183e-07 2.12095150e+00]
[-1.36625076e-08 -3.18711971e-07 3.99875966e-01 1.75087384e-01
-3.30919448e-16 -7.74299361e-07 1.65945660e-01 -2.49317047e-01
-2.19084201e-06 7.50629546e-02 -1.99510623e-01 2.45189479e-16
-3.12498671e-01 -1.00820556e+00 1.30919633e-06]
[-2.20533621e-19 3.39181393e-18 3.32245076e-16 1.82208797e-16
5.40820245e-01 -3.76638923e-17 2.52529300e-16 1.79190184e-16
-3.58911407e-17 -1.86188339e-16 1.35022115e-16 1.01914696e+00
6.37674753e-16 1.87552354e-16 -6.72338619e-18]
[ 7.93352318e-09 3.52701876e-07 -1.75087393e-01 3.99876259e-01
-1.46708126e-16 -4.71067753e-07 2.49317102e-01 1.65945561e-01
2.10332685e-06 1.99503984e-01 7.50645771e-02 5.06756184e-16
-1.00820614e+00 3.12498538e-01 -5.27814777e-07]
[ 3.76724626e-08 -6.16668075e-07 4.07396435e-01 1.78380348e-01
-2.65677104e-16 -1.38897953e-06 4.13014501e-01 -6.20514822e-01
-9.57009076e-06 1.42830049e-01 -3.79622369e-01 -6.66840066e-16
4.50878967e-01 1.45466938e+00 -3.93668672e-06]
[ 9.64452306e-20 2.60830063e-19 4.13936439e-16 3.10077044e-16
6.13588538e-01 6.65585084e-17 -1.99735894e-16 -4.35853887e-18
7.78516109e-17 1.63777798e-16 -1.20469219e-16 -9.77065075e-01
-5.86277720e-16 -1.23433162e-16 8.04573985e-18]
[-2.39107820e-08 3.52553118e-07 -1.78380081e-01 4.07396534e-01
5.72917657e-17 -1.06848036e-06 6.20513531e-01 4.13014793e-01
4.28154714e-06 3.79622597e-01 1.42832608e-01 -6.40250772e-16
1.45466023e+00 -4.50882758e-01 2.22748138e-06]
[ 1.94248591e-03 9.23862276e-02 -1.28310475e-01 1.88977923e-01
2.14775999e-16 -1.06720854e-01 -8.55193536e-02 -8.30944140e-02
7.70539129e-01 -9.78680219e-01 -5.91504375e-01 -1.39238447e-16
-2.47188467e-01 1.30059848e-01 -1.98379128e-01]
[ 5.62456945e-03 -3.46785210e-04 -5.32958663e-02 7.84956157e-02
-4.08253441e-17 -6.24400751e-01 -9.02544457e-01 -8.76971492e-01
-4.28270887e-01 6.91196805e-01 4.17745391e-01 3.12184911e-16
-5.00615506e-01 2.63385072e-01 -2.95165370e-01]
[ 1.94245572e-03 9.23861587e-02 2.27814518e-01 1.66309493e-02
-1.58478620e-16 -1.06722252e-01 -2.92034169e-02 1.15608088e-01
7.70589446e-01 -2.29052135e-02 1.14327999e+00 2.02266614e-17
1.09655908e-02 -2.79105624e-01 -1.98375611e-01]
[ 5.62457575e-03 -3.46710029e-04 9.46264238e-02 6.90793578e-03
-4.73459356e-17 -6.24403880e-01 -3.08207951e-01 1.22010974e+00
-4.28309655e-01 1.61763449e-02 -8.07445431e-01 4.90902219e-16
2.22085951e-02 -5.65236938e-01 -2.95165494e-01]
[ 1.94248603e-03 9.23858781e-02 -9.95045334e-02 -2.05608780e-01
1.65099861e-17 -1.06721571e-01 1.14722404e-01 -3.25123755e-02
7.70550564e-01 1.00157189e+00 -5.51838435e-01 2.93965220e-16
2.36222936e-01 1.49054040e-01 -1.98378874e-01]
[ 5.62454904e-03 -3.46679780e-04 -4.13309319e-02 -8.54038412e-02
1.17144303e-16 -6.24404361e-01 1.21074784e+00 -3.43140290e-01
-4.28281297e-01 -7.07367252e-01 3.89732419e-01 -9.90418101e-16
4.78406006e-01 3.01849336e-01 -2.95164069e-01]]
Gaussian input
# rhf/3-21g nosymm output=wfx pop=full
H3O+ run by HF/3-21G
1 1
O 0.074642 -0.000000 -0.026389
H -0.103145 0.000000 0.930145
H 0.991917 0.000000 -0.350692
H -0.664854 -0.000000 -0.658618
Gaussian output (only showing the Molecular orbital coefficients part)
Molecular Orbital Coefficients:
1 2 3 4 5
Eigenvalues -- -19.47020 -1.43467 -0.94637 -0.94637 -0.70968
1 1 O 1S 0.98228 -0.23712 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
2 2S 0.10399 0.23148 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
3 2PX 0.00000 0.00000 0.40572 0.19088 0.00000
4 2PY 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.54999
5 2PZ 0.00000 0.00000 -0.19088 0.40572 0.00000
6 3S -0.04546 0.72117 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
7 3PX 0.00000 0.00000 0.37306 0.17551 0.00000
8 3PY 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.60475
9 3PZ 0.00000 0.00000 -0.17551 0.37306 0.00000
10 2 H 1S 0.00202 0.09741 -0.13924 0.19360 0.00000
11 2S 0.00620 0.00349 -0.06611 0.09192 0.00000
12 3 H 1S 0.00202 0.09741 0.23729 0.02379 0.00000
13 2S 0.00620 0.00349 0.11266 0.01129 0.00000
14 4 H 1S 0.00202 0.09741 -0.09804 -0.21739 0.00000
15 2S 0.00620 0.00349 -0.04655 -0.10321 0.00000
6 7 8 9 10
Eigenvalues -- -0.24515 -0.13370 -0.13369 0.56303 0.63870
1 1 O 1S -0.14814 0.00000 0.00000 0.06752 0.00000
2 2S 0.10957 0.00000 0.00000 -0.09812 0.00000
3 2PX 0.00000 -0.09436 -0.35381 0.00000 -0.06009
4 2PY 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
5 2PZ 0.00000 -0.35381 0.09436 0.00000 -0.22535
6 3S 1.17146 0.00000 -0.00001 0.00409 0.00000
7 3PX 0.00000 -0.18278 -0.68534 0.00000 -0.07354
8 3PY 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
9 3PZ 0.00000 -0.68534 0.18278 0.00000 -0.27579
10 2 H 1S -0.14877 0.17199 -0.08189 0.76216 1.00935
11 2S -0.59347 1.05279 -0.50130 -0.46513 -0.83550
12 3 H 1S -0.14878 -0.01507 0.18990 0.76218 -0.08848
13 2S -0.59345 -0.09225 1.16239 -0.46515 0.07324
14 4 H 1S -0.14878 -0.15692 -0.10800 0.76216 -0.92087
15 2S -0.59346 -0.96054 -0.66108 -0.46513 0.76226
11 12 13 14 15
Eigenvalues -- 0.63871 1.00729 1.24182 1.24182 2.41635
1 1 O 1S 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.07889
2 2S 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -1.67911
3 2PX -0.22535 0.00000 -0.24259 -0.99572 0.00000
4 2PY 0.00000 1.01423 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
5 2PZ 0.06010 0.00000 -0.99572 0.24259 0.00000
6 3S 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2.13981
7 3PX -0.27578 0.00000 0.37297 1.53089 0.00000
8 3PY 0.00000 -0.98256 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
9 3PZ 0.07355 0.00000 1.53088 -0.37298 0.00000
10 2 H 1S -0.48059 0.00000 -0.30132 0.13556 -0.20131
11 2S 0.39781 0.00000 -0.52871 0.23785 -0.30309
12 3 H 1S 1.11440 0.00000 0.03327 -0.32874 -0.20130
13 2S -0.92246 0.00000 0.05837 -0.57680 -0.30309
14 4 H 1S -0.63384 0.00000 0.26805 0.19319 -0.20131
15 2S 0.52467 0.00000 0.47034 0.33895 -0.30309
I compared the output for both packages and found that, Gaussian prints the output as atom numbers followed by orbitals as in aufbau principle (probably, not tested for higher order atoms though). So, we obtain O (1S,2S,2P,3S,3P) H(1S,2S) and so on. Whereas PySCF builds them as atom numbers -> 1S,2S,3S etc. Then comes the P orbitals. Such that, O(1S,2S,3S,2P,3P) and then comes H(1S,2S). Right? Is there any generic rule for the different conventions (of different QM packages) to print MO coefficients?
Actually, I want to load the Molecular Orbitals from Gaussian calculation and reformat them in PySCF format. I want to do that to bypass costly PySCF calculations (I have asked this question on this previously).