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8 votes

Why is Young's modulus represented as a single value in DFT calculations?

If you perform an elasticity calculation in DFT, you typically calculate stresses in a series of strained cells, and fit the elastic constants against these stress-strain relations. The lower the ...
Kristof Bal's user avatar
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How can I use vasp for calculating different cell volumes by adjusting cell parameters

Generalized optimization in computational materials science involves adjusting both atomic positions and simulation cell parameters to minimize the system's energy/forces/stress. The goal is to reduce ...
Pranav kumar's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I fix wrong number of k-points error in Qantum ESPRESSO while running pw2wannier90.x?

The problem is in either your or your file, actually. The hint is in the error message: pw2wannier90 ...
elutionary's user avatar
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Galfenol (FeGa) structure

Camps's user avatar
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3 votes

Why converge energy vs. Ecut when k-points is the bottleneck?

You should really consider your choice of convergence criteria bearing in mind the eventual target calculation. If your goal is to calculate a chemical reaction energy, then yes, the energy residual ...
Keith Refson's user avatar
3 votes

Why converge energy vs. Ecut when k-points is the bottleneck?

Convergence is all about finding a suitable balance between cost and accuracy, and putting some sense of errors on your results. Typically, you should have a think about the accuracy you require for ...
Robert Lawrence's user avatar
5 votes

Why does increasing the cell size affect the energy of molecules?

The issue was that I used too large of a grid spacing at 0.26 Å. This value I got from a utility tool from GPAW, cutoff2gridspacing. From an old convergence test with VASP on similar systems the ...
awwnoh's user avatar
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0 votes

Effect of number of component and How to plot DOS

In my first question, the answer i found is band folding. Why is the band structure of a supercell more dense than for simple cell? in stead of explaining, i leave the link. But 2nd question is under ...
PIXEL's user avatar
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1 vote

van der Waals interactions?

No. In quantum espresso, you don't need to add any additional files to add the DTF-D3 van der Waal's corrections. You just have to specify vdw_corr = 'grimme-d3' ...
Rashid Rafeek's user avatar
1 vote

How to Optimize Atomic Positions and Volume While Preserving Cell Shape in VASP?

In my case, I use ISIF=3 at first, then ISIF=2. Because my starting poscar comes from an already optimized cif file. But if you are generating a poscar file, I recommend using ISIF=7 at first. Then ...
PIXEL's user avatar
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0 votes

how to model gate oxide in transiesta?

The accepted answer is not, strictly, correct. Siesta (and thereby TranSiesta) enables charge distributions acting as gates. So, while you could add the full SiO2 layers in a transiesta calculation, ...
nickpapior's user avatar
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7 votes

What is the proper interpretation of the output 'HF' energy of a ground-state Gaussian 16 calculation using the opt keyword (B3LYP)?

From the Gaussian 16 FAQ: The full breakdown of the energy is not part of the normal output, but you can get it with two changes change to your input. First, add ExtraLinks=L608 to the route section ...
Camps's user avatar
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