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Unanswered Questions

30 questions with no answers
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Rich editing of ASE images

I want to produce some images related to graphene-like materials. I was able to draw them using ASE visualize module after constructing the atomistic model. However ...
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Problem with using VASP with ase on a GPU

I am a newbie using VASP, currently I am trying to calculate the formation energy per atom and pre bandgap using DFT with VASP on a GPU machine. I wrote the following script for calculating the ...
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0 answers

How can calculate length or coordinate of any molecule in different quantum state [like (rotational quantum state)j=2] with any software or code?

How can one determine the bond length of a diatomic or tri-atomic molecule(rot. state J=3 and vib. state v=2) from its ground state bond length (x angstrom) using computational tools or programming ...
5 votes
0 answers

Help regarding Geometry Optimization of a bimetallic surface

I am trying to perform a geometry optimization (GEO_OPT) of a FCC 111 Pt$_{0.5}$Au$_{0.5}$ bimetallic surface (10x10x3) generated from ASE, with a lattice parameter of 3.9 $\overset{\circ}{\mathrm{A}}$...
4 votes
0 answers

Creating a surface with ASE (Atomic simulation Environment)

I want to create the (4×2) Rutile TiO2(110) surface and the surface slab consisting of five TiO2 trilayers (or 15 atomic layers) I did that, but I don't if it is correct or not! ...
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0 answers

Calculating lattice constant using QE with ASE

I'm trying to follow simple example of determining the lattice constant (, but using QE instead of EMT. Here is ASE code I use: ...
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0 answers

Phonon dispersion calculation of graphene with ASE

I'm trying to use the package ase.phonons to calculate the dispersion relation bands and the DOS, I followed the example of the documentation for Al and went well for the diamond case. For some reason,...
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0 answers

How to Change the Color Palette of Atoms in ASE GUI

I know that there is a configuration file called that would be initialized if it is placed in a directory like ...
4 votes
0 answers

ASE/XTB: zero temperature and stress in MD simulation

I want to see how the volume and pressure of my cell is changing during a MD relaxation in ASE. I used the atom.get_volume() and ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to check the units from ASE get_forces() function?

Here is a little python code that loops through a molecular dynamics trajectory (performed with the ASE package) and outputs the forces on the atoms at each frame: ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I use vasp for calculating different cell volumes by adjusting cell parameters

I am new to VASP. For my system, I am using single-layered perovskite LSCF (La-Sr-Co-FeO3), (La-Sr-Ni-FeO3) LSNF, and I want to change my system's cell volumes w.r.t cell parameters. Is it possible I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Partial Hessian vibrational analysis (PHVA) of adsorption in MOFs

I have been probing acid sites in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) by performing the partial Hessian vibrational analysis (PHVA) which provides information about characteristic vibrational modes that ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I restart a job in VASP software?

I'm running an AIMD (Ab initio molecular dynamics) calculation in the NVE ensemble with a specific initial kinetic energy (without using temperature control). My job stopped before the simulation time ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is there any tool/website available by which I can generate VASP input files?

I am familiar with QE input files, but totally new in VASP. I know by using the quantum espresso input generator(, we can use CIF file to get ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to model NiTe2 (011) plane using ASE

I have modeled the (011) plane of NiTe2 using ASE by cutting through bulk ,by the code given below ...

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